Hire Our Metal Fabrication Company for Services in Snohomish or Sedro Woolley, WA

Get custom solutions for your welding and fabrication needs

A black and white drawing of a man wearing a welding helmet.

Thank you for visiting our website. Rocky Ridge Metal Fab offers semitruck and heavy equipment fabrication, aluminum polishing and automotive repairs in the Snohomish and Sedro Woolley, WA areas. You can also hire us for mobile aluminum and steel fabrication services. No matter your request, the quality of our work will exceed your expectations.

Please use the form on this page to contact us. You can also call 406-589-1261 to speak with someone directly.

Rocky Ridge Metal Fab

Call Us


Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours


8713 F & S Grade Rd, 

Sedro Woolley, 

WA 98284

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